Tuesday 31 July 2012

All is quiet or is it just me ?

Well the last week in July has seen a big drop with the garden birds and not many visits from this Female Sparrowhawk so just a sighting on the back of the shed for now.

 it's not much better when I've been out and about but one location is doing ok for Otters,Tawny Owl with young and the Barn Owls are showing well so it's not all bad.
A couple of shots from a few days ago.

I think this one is a young female due to the very dark colours but yet to see the male out so i could be wrong.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Sea eagles from Mull

Well I've just got back from a fantastic few days away in Mull with the Mrs and time for a little update, this one has been on my list for a long time and after a mate of mine had been earlier on in the year and came back with some great shots it had to be done.
Strange how you have to go too Scotland to get some decent weather, even stranger was that i didn't hear a Scottish accent the whole time i was there.
Big thanks goes to Martin of  Mull Charters for providing a fantastic service with a few laughs on the way and we stayed at his great B&B (FASCADAIL) that i'd recommend it to anyone.

I new that bobbing around in a boat and being lucky enough to get some shots wasn't going to be easy, add on the fact that i had a lens on that i only managed to get by luck 3 days beforehand made it a bit of a challenge as well.
That was going to be my excuse if it all when't wrong and i didn't get any shots so instead of getting giddy and just running off hundreds of shots hopping to get lucky i tried for quality instead of quantity.

Click on pic for large version

Last one shows just how big these beauties are and that's a fair size mackerel it's got for a snack.

So that's me and the fantastic White Tailed Sea Eagles of Mull and it looks like this one will be going straight back onto next years list.