Saturday 19 May 2012

Owl rescue

I’m lucky to have access to an out of bounds area of my local nature reserve with permission from the warden so I took a walk out on Wednesday evening to look for the barn owls. When I got within a 100yrd of the nest box I noticed lots of jackdaws swooping around the area of the box so I knew something was not quite right, as I was stood under the box I heard a “clicking” sound behind me and after a bit of a search I found a Tawny owl chick hiding in the grass looking cold and shaking.
Even the most heartless of people could not have walked away from the little bundle of fluff, my walking jacket has a zip off hood so I popped the owl in and I got on the phone to the warden and he came to get the ladders out so we could get it back in the box.
Here she is sat in my jacket hood.

Update 23/5/12

I must of got some good Karma from the baby owl on the 16/5/12, 7 days later and on my next trip out i came across this adult sat in the early morning sun.

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