Thursday 28 June 2012

Garden Catching up !!!

Barn owls have taken over most of my time when the weather isn't crap so the good news is that i'm up to 5 regular places too see them.
 A brief catch up on some of the birds from my garden.
3 finches Gold, Green and Bull

Time for a new perch soon but i might start feeding these less, sunflower seeds are costing me a fortune !!!

The Mother Red Legged Partridge brings the young into the garden most years so time to get down low and snap the bundles of fluff.

It's not often i do too much planning for shots in the garden but we were getting regular visits of a pair of Jay's and these are super alert birds and not easily fooled. So i had the perch but needed to put it somewhere that would allow me to shoot from the garage and through a garden gate with a nice background.
Backgrounds have been top of my list for getting better at and can make a huge difference to a shot, a reverse of Landscape photography where you need some nice foreground interest.


Next update will be after i get back from Mull so lets see if i come back with anything worth posting.

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