Friday 29 June 2012

Another Barn Owl update

So i have a new location nr York, sometimes everyone you know has seen Barn Owls but never gets any shots of them so when a friend of mine at work mentioned i should get myself down too a place he knows i was a bit sceptical.
The next night i was in the car and off for a look so i left the camera at home and just wanted to spend a bit of time watching for any signs of them. Within the first 5 mins i had seen the first bird out hunting and the light breeze was perfect for them. I just sat in the long grass and then watched the Male bird come straight down track i had just walked and only banked off too the left when he spotted me. I stayed for longer than i should of and watched both birds take back 6-8 kills each within the space of about 2 1/2 hours so it was obvious the box had young being fed.

2nd night and the camera was coming with me and even the weather was being nice, i knew where i wanted to sit but this meant walking past the box that's on the other side of the field. of course the Barn Owl knew i was there no matter how quite i was trying to be. As i said in my previous Barn Owl blog, sometimes Barn owls can be quite tolerant of people and the location was perfect for them so i sat and waited. And i waited and waited a bit more, first hour in and still no sign then i spotted one coming back to the box from the other direction.
 This did make me chuckle to myself and is for me a big part of bird photography, not getting any shots that night seemed to double the excitement of the next night and what a bit of patience might bring. 
So trip number 3 and no photo's yet, as i walked i could see one bird out and after a couple of mins the other came out to hunt together, i managed to get to my spot and the birds where preoccupied with hunting so i was set up.
 First past was the male

Technically the above shot is maybe the best I've taken, 700mm of lens and a slow shutter speed 1/125sec
with a target not much bigger than a large orange so i was more than happy for a first shot.
It must of been my lucky night as the sun went down with a nice warm light and the darker female came to sit on the breeze right in front of me.

The last shot of the night was the main reason i chose my spot with the light coming in from the left and a flight path back to the box.

Just a couple more shots i would like to get from here but i'll be back when that happens.

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