Saturday 30 June 2012

Time for some furry things. Updated 2/7/12

Sat and watched a pair of stoats chasing a young rabbit in the rain this afternoon and so i thought it might be good to add some of my furry shots.
First one is a poor quality shot from years ago but is the only one i have of a stoat atm so i'm wanting to get something better soon.

And from one of the smallest too the biggest, Red deer stags having a early morning battle.

Then the girls get there handbags out.

Next up is a Yorkshire Red Squirrel from a private wood Nr Hawes up on the Yorkshire Dales.

The next two are from when i've been waiting for Barn Owls and a bonus has turned up.

A Brown Hare early in the morning.

And a Red Fox from late in the evening.

Even later on an Otter.

Click on any pic for a larger version.

Well here is the update:-
So back to the Stoats location from the day before, it didn't feel like a great morning for it with a cool wind and a bit of drizzle but you don't get the shots from sitting at home watching TV.
I decided to take a bit of tinned dog food for bait and a small squeak caller to see if i could get them to pose for the camera, so a few smokes later the first one comes shooting out of the brambles. Far too quick for me to get a shot of but after a while i could make them out moving about in the hedge and then this one popped up. 

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